Team Connect

Participants: Fra 25 personer

Time: 90 –120 minutes

Prerequisites: None, everyone can participate

Indoor: Yes, can be adapted to a meeting room

Outdoor: YES, can be adapted for outdoors

Safety: The activity is completely safe

Power: YES

Price: From 4000 DKK ex. VAT

TeamConnect is an entertaining team activity, with good learning about the importance of contributing to the community for the team's overall success, as a clear conclusion.

Teams of 4-6 people must construct their part of an overall structure based on a series of enlightened actions. The design must contribute part of the coherent chain reaction to the final.

Each team is initially assigned different starting tasks and four add-ons that must be included in their construction. They start this, not knowing that they will later be put together "randomly" in a sequence where they have to integrate their series of actions with other teams—on both sides.

Therefore, for you to succeed, there is no such thing as "yours" and "mine"—but "our," and everyone must first succeed in their part of the construction before it is possible to combine them. The mindset is that everyone's constructs are equally essential to succeed in this challenge. The "silo" mindset in the team is challenged, as they have to collaborate across "silos" in several places simultaneously. The activity ends with a presentation of the individual teams' thoughts and explanations of their contribution to the joint construction before the long chain reaction is finally set in motion and carried out to great mutual cheers and a visualization that everyone's contribution has a value for a team if you work across a group.
